Saturday, January 2, 2010

Giving Challenge-Day One: Relieving Calm

Whenever I need to find peace and calm, I go to the ocean. There's something about the sound of the waves crashing against the shore that bring a sense of oneness for me. This was the same feeling I experienced when I took my first risk into the Giving Challenge. At first, I was perplexed, trying to figure out what to do. I'm someone who tries to do kind things for others but never before have I been so mindful of the choice to give. It was a little confusing actually. So I perused the suggestion list on the 29-Day Giving Challenge website . Nothing really spoke to me and I sat in front of my computer wondering how to truly give. Without expectation. Just for the sheer joy of giving. Then it hit me! There was a wrong I needed to make right with a friend. The last time I spoke with her, I hadn't been very understanding or even polite for that matter. I was still dealing with past anger and resentment towards her because she wasn't being the kind of friend I thought she "should" be. I decided to email her, offering up an apology for my recent attitude as well as offering up empathy for her current stressful situation. As I wrote the email, I could feel a heaviness lifting off of me. I moved from the judgment in my mind to the love in my heart. There was a sense of excitement as I hoped this email would provide the support she originally needed from me. I'm not sure if she'll accept the gift the way it was intended but I know my attitude shifted from resentment and frustration with our friendship to peace, calm, and relief. And I found myself incredibly grateful for her being in my life! And this was just the first day!

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