Friday, January 1, 2010

29-Day Giving Challenge Accepted!

With a new year upon us, I was looking for ways to promote positive energy in my life. I have found the best way to do that is to get out of my Self and focus on what brings others joy. So when I received an email from one of my colleagues challenging me to participate in the 29-Day Giving Challenge, I had to accept! Besides, I like a good challenge. And who doesn't want to spread the gift of joy and positivity!? I look forward to seeing how my giving will benefit others as well as bring me peace and harmony. I challenge anyone reading this to participate as well by visiting the 29-Day Giving Challenge website.
I'm not sure what I'll do first but I'll be sure to post my experiences on my blog. Feel free to share if you're also participating! Like the vineyard, we are all connected. So, let's work together, sharing our gifts in order to bear fruit! Let's all commit to living abundantly in 2010!

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