Sunday, January 24, 2010

Days 22-23 Rough but Day 24 was Back on Track

I was starting to feel like a failure with the Giving Challenge for days 22 and 23 but today, day 24, brought me back on track. On days 22 and 23, I hadn't even stopped to think about the Challenge. I was caught up in my own head and not paying much attention to the rest of the world. I was in me, me, me mode! But a phone call to my cell phone company got me back on track! The customer service rep was very helpful, answering all of my questions and even crediting me $25 for being a loyal customer. He was polite and respectful that at the end of our conversation, when he asked if there was anything else he could do, I said, "Yes, would you mind getting your supervisor so I can tell him or her how wonderful you've been?!" The excitement in his voice warmed my heart. He said, "Really?! You'd do that? Thank you so much!" When the supervisor came on the line, she thanked me for taking the time to praise one of her employees since she usually has to deal with complaints. It felt great to give praise to the customer service rep as well as giving the supervisor a sigh of relief. Next time someone provides good service or goes the extra step, be sure to let them and their supervisor know! It'll feel soooo good!

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