Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6: Gotcha!

My friend, Beau, rarely lets me take care of him but he's always so good at taking care of me. I had a rough 2009 and Beau has always been available to listen to me, validate my feelings, and offer words of encouragement. And if I ask for a hug, he welcomes me with open arms. I tell him thank you often and have always wanted to do more for him but he says I do enough. Not sure what I've done exactly to return the favor but he's fine with our friendship. I usually say "ok" but this time, as I've been plotting carefully with the Giving Challenge, I wanted to surprise him by buying his lunch today. When I asked if he would allow me to do that for him, he said only if I had a good reason. The reason, "Because you've always been so good at taking care of me." But I had an ulterior motive...there's nothing that gives me greater pleasure than doing something nice for a nice someone! Ha, ha! I gotcha!

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