Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Ya-Ya Mija"

When I was a little girl, my mom used to hold me in her arms and rock me, saying softly, "ya-ya mija", whenever I needed to be comforted.  It's amazing how comforting I still find those words when said ever so softly and gently.  Lately, I've been needing that kind of nurturing.  For the past month, I've had a nasty virus, a broken toe, a sinus infection, and asthma attacks.  I've been tired and cranky to say the least.  I wonder why I've been so sick lately?  Is it because most of my work days are 10-12 hours, 6 days a week?  Is it because I've been exploring beliefs in my soul coaching sessions that center on the physical?  Beliefs around body image and aging.  Is it because I no longer wake up to my own bio-rhythms but instead a blasting alarm clock?  Is it because I don't have time to keep my house clean and chores done?  Is it simply because this is cold and flu season?  There are plenty of reasons as to why I've been sick.  But more importantly, what can I do to heal?  In my Soul Coaching sessions, we explore beliefs around health and wellness, making sure I keep only the healthy belief systems.  It's tiring work to look at every little belief one has deep within her/his psyche, letting go of the ones that no longer fit and keeping those that are positive.  

Working long hours, having started a new job, and exploring negative beliefs have all overwhelmed me and put me under stress.  This could be why I've been dealing with physical illness.  Stress is the leading factor related to health and wellness.  But more importantly, I've not yet found a way to include fun.  I have yet to find the balance of work and play.  When I was a kid, I loved biking, skating, dancing, hanging out with my friends, and listening to music.  Since being sick, I haven't had a chance to bike, skate, dance or spend time with friends but my iPod is always playing.  Thank goodness for music!  It's the comforting voice of my mom's "ya-ya mija" in a different way.  And it's always readily available.  To every musician out there, thank you.  Thank you for the gift of comfort, healing, and joy!  Thank you for nurturing me.  

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