Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Oh my, it's been so long!

Wow, it's been months since I've blogged.  Balancing life can be so challenging.  I've been working 2 jobs and am living in 3 different cities right now.  And while balance has always been a challenge, I'm very happy.  Wanna know why?!  Because I feel a sense of belonging.  I'm spending more time with family and friends.  There's something about connection that really makes me feel exhilarated!  Nothing gives me more pleasure than the ability to connect with others.  As I move onto a new chapter in my life, and say good-bye to the current one, I am finding how truly connected I had been all along to others, nature, the world.  It's a wonderful feeling!  And I hope to blog more about it in the coming weeks.  But for now, I'm off to drive to yet another city.  My city.  Sacramento.

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