Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Journey Deeper into the Soul

I made a promise to myself for 2011.  This was going to be the time for me to delve deeper into my soul.  For the past year, I've been working with a Soul Coach and have been pleasantly surprised at how much growth and healing has occurred as a result.  So when my Coach said, "Have you considered doing the 28-week program for Health and Vitality?", I thought, "Yes!"  Excitement filled my body as we talked about what I hoped to gain from this journey.  And what I hope to gain is how to live the most joyful life I possibly can without worry about where the journey takes me.  (As a goal-oriented person, this may be a challenge)  Last week, I had my first session and it centered on preparation for the next 27 weeks.  

Preparation for this journey has included setting the stage in my physical environment as well as my mind, body, and spirit.  Choosing to surround myself with positive images and symbols, keeping two journals, and committing to a meditation time have all been part of this first week.  While starting this process, I became ill.  Nothing too serious.  The doctor called it a "nasty virus" and put me on bed rest.  How odd.  I start a program with a focus on health and I get sick?  Hmm, what is the Universe up to this time?  

What I discovered about this time of physical healing is that it uncovered deeper emotional beliefs that need to be examined.  Things that appeared so minor but have been reflected in my life as physical ailments, particularly viral-induced asthma.  It allowed me to journal through those emotions in a way I had never thought of before.  It is allowing me to clear out any negativity I may be holding in my body.  Hmm, maybe the Universe is supporting me on this health program?  ;)

I'm hoping to document my journey via my blog as a way to share the joys I'm sure to discover!  Like going to the bottom of the ocean admiring and appreciating all of nature's wonders, I'm sure I'll find many wonderful things about myself that have come from Mother Nature herself!

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