Thursday, August 26, 2010

Life Unexpected

Life has an interesting way of unfolding.  Just when I think I'm headed one way, life takes me on an unexpected path.  It's not always easy for me to let go and trust that things will work out for the best.  But things usually work out even better than I expect once I let go of expectations.  Easier said than done of course!  Recently, I had my heart broken.  A potential relationship didn't turn out the way I hoped.  But maybe there are reasons why.  Maybe life knew something I didn't about this man or about the timing of it all.  Maybe life knew what was in my best interests.  I'm still having trouble letting go completely.  Sometimes, I still find myself wishing things had worked out with this man.  He's a good guy.  I have nothing negative to say about him.  I don't know why life led me down a different path.  What I do know is that as soon as I said good-bye to this man, a wonderful unexpected surprise happened!  An acquaintance reached out to me in his time of need.  And now I have a new friend.  Someone who offers support and understanding regarding my sadness and disappointment.  Someone who encourages me to get back out there and not settle.  Someone who listens to me complain and cry while making it safe for me to express hopes and dreams without fear of judgment.  I hope I offer him the same gifts he offers me.  I'm so glad life took me down a different path.  A path of healing.  A path of connecting with someone.  A path of friendship.  Thank you life for my new friend.  And thanks for leading me towards the letting go process, trusting all will be well and I'll be ok.

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