Thursday, May 28, 2009

Living in Gratitude Brings Great Pay-offs!

Living in gratitude has brought me much peace and happiness. This past weekend, I was sitting outside with some friends at an outdoor diner in Sacramento. It was a beautiful night and I was so happy to spend time with friends I haven't seen in awhile. Out of the corner of my eye, between chatter and laughter, I saw him. An old tattered man. He was handing out roses. I remember thinking, "How nice of him to share those with others." He came to our table and immediately my friend said, "There's no money here." He still offered each of us a rose and a blessing. I guess. He mumbled mostly. All I could hear was "God Bless" and then more mumblings. We graciously accepted our roses and all I could say was "Thank you" while I smelled the sweetness of this gift. He left only to return a few minutes later, asking for money. When no money was given, he asked for his roses back from my friends but not me. What made me different, I wondered. My friends teased me that maybe he thought I was cute. I wondered if it had to do with my gracious attitude. From the moment I saw him, I was already thinking positive thoughts about him. I wasn't worried about whether he was going to ask for money. I took my rose back to my hotel room, put it in a cup of water, and placed it on the table. The next day it still looked beautiful and I reflected on how happy I was to receive it. I left it for Housekeeping along w/a tip and a "Thank you" note. It felt so good to share that gift with someone else-another stranger. I will probably never see that old tattered man again. But he left me with a few gifts: a rose, a good feeling, and a smile. And the ability to pay it forward.

Yesterday, my neighbor surprised me by giving me a bag full of cherries. I've lived across the street from him for over 4 years and have only spoken to him twice and have waved hello on occasion. But, he must've been reading my mind because I was thinking just 2 days ago how nice it would be to enjoy some cherries. Again, I graciously took this gift with such joy, thinking, "Wow, I'm receiving so many wonderful gifts!"

There's more of course. For example, my business is thriving! I've had a very busy practice for about 2 mos now after a slow start at the new year. I give thanks in my gratitude journal everyday for all that I receive. And I've noticed that every time I'm grateful, the Universe blesses me with even more! While I know it seems so simple, I encourage each and every one of you to simply say "Thank You!" Thank you for this breath of life, the gift of vision, the gift of laughter, and the gift of friendship.

If you haven't started a gratitude journal yet, it's rather simple. Just reflect on your day, noting of all the gifts provided throughout your day, and then write them down. Should you get stuck, feel free to visit my website at and look through my resource pages. If you've already started a gratitude journal, keep enjoying the bounty!

Thank you for reading this blog! :)

PS-You may be wondering about the connection of the posted picture and this writing. That is my most recent tattoo. I love stargazer lilies and always feel good when I buy them. Thought I'd keep a permanent reminder of the joy they bring.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Talking Teens

I love working with teens! Every time I say that, other adults seem to cringe and then ask, "Why?!" My approach as a counselor can be very direct and teens seem to appreciate that. Plus, I think I'm still a teen at times. :) There are 2 things one must know about teens. One, never try to power struggle with them. They'll win every time! And two, they're just as confused as you are.

Need tips on how to survive your child's teen years? Click this link to learn about early adolescence or click here to learn about the middle stage of adolescence. You can also watch this video of me discussing teens with Wake Up!'s Rob Blair.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Counseling Awareness Month TV Appearance

April was Counseling Awareness Month and as a way to promote awareness of my profession, I partnered with KHSL's local morning TV program, Wake Up! My first appearance was April 10, 2009 and the topic was Stress & The Economy. I remember arriving at 6 am sharp and following producer, Sarah, into the studio. I was nervous not having done live TV before. Megan McDonald, the co-anchor, was at the news desk waiting for her cue. She smiled and said, "Good morning", and suddenly I was at ease. It's the same feeling I hope I'm able to give my clients when they arrive at my office for the very first time. I shared this with Megan and thanked her for her warmth. And then 30 minutes later, Rob Blair, the other co-anchor, who would be interviewing me, was adjusting my mic so it could not be seen. A mic check was done and soon after, the interview began. How quickly it all went! It's all a blur now. But I think the important thing I will take with me is the importance of making one feel comfortable in my office because my clients could be just as nervous as I was that Friday morning.

I encourage to listen to this audio link
if you would like info on How to Manage Stress.