Friday, February 5, 2010

Heart & Soul: How will you be Celebrating?

February is all about the heart and soul! It is American Heart Month, Black History Month, Mardi Gras time, and above all, February is most known for Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day has always been a struggle for me. Whether I have a partner or not. I'm sure I'm not alone in my feelings as the expectations of this "holiday" can become overwhelming for some. Or those who are single may feel left out and alone. I remember when I was in college, a few single friends and I got together for an "anti" Valentine's Day dinner. But really, we were celebrating Valentine's Day because we were toasting our friendships. Valentine's Day isn't just for couples. We can celebrate our friendships, our parent-child relationships, and/or the relationship with ourselves. Even our pet relationships can be honored.

Here are some of my suggestions for celebrating this day of love whether you are single or coupled:

1. Treat yourself to Spa Day by getting a massage or a pedicure. Take your pet to the groomer while you take off to the spa. You both can get pampered!
2. Donate your time and energy to a charity. Taking your kids will give them a sense of the world around them and show them how wonderful it can be to give!
3. A nice romantic candlelit dinner doesn't have to be just for couples! Spoil yourself to your favorite meal and enjoy!
4. Be fully present when conversing with a friend, child, or senior citizen. Open your heart and ears and just listen.
5. Celebrate Black History Month by educating yourself on the contributions of the black community.
6. Eat right, exercise, and follow the guidelines for a healthy heart.
7-??? Now it's your turn! List some suggestions for the rest of us!

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