Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Forgiveness Brings About Peace

Thich Nhat Hanh is quoted as saying, "The practice of peace and reconciliation is one of the most vital and artistic of human actions." There is something quite freeing about forgiveness. It can give us a sense of peace, satisfaction, and acceptance. Recently, I had to ask someone for forgiveness. It wasn't easy because I felt justified. I had been hurt. But what I noticed is that when I opened myself up to the process, the other person not only validated and understood my perspective, he also said he appreciated my vulnerability! I work with people everyday in my practice who are afraid to be vulnerable to someone else. Especially someone close to them. They blame themselves for not being stronger, not being tougher, and not being fearless. But really, they aren't opening themselves up to the process of human interaction. Whenever we feel a need to be better, be stronger, be tougher because we "should", we really aren't giving ourselves the love and compassion necessary to forgive ourselves for being human. So remember to allow yourself the same "practice of peace and reconciliation" within yourself!

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