Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Importance of Playing!

Practice what you preach! Those are the words that go through my mind as I encourage others to make time for themselves and give to themselves as much as they would give to others. But I'm just as guilty of taking better care of everyone else than myself. For the past 2-3 weeks now, I have been suffering from burn-out. A job hazard for sure in my line of work! And now I am no good to anyone...especially myself! I am tired, irritable, feeling resentful, isolating myself, and lacking excitement for life. (Sounds very similar to depression, doesn't it?) This week is my last week of work before I head out for vacation. A long overdue vacation! I haven't had a vacation in 2 years! Just to write that makes me a little sad. To think that I haven't made time for myself. Sure, I've had the occasional 3-day week-end, gone to get a massage now and again, and I've hung out with friends. But we all need to recharge by getting away from it all and focusing on our needs. Being self-employed, I've realized how much time and energy goes into my business. From seeing clients to managing the books to marketing the business, I invest more time into it than I do myself. I've also realized that since moving 4 years ago, I haven't quite settled into my lifestyle of fun and activities. I've certainly gotten involved in groups like Soroptimist, am the Vice President of my local chapter of CAMFT (CA Marriage Family Therapists), and have been politically active. But that is still giving to others! But what I haven't done much of are the things that I really enjoy like salsa dancing, biking, playing tennis, going to cultural arts events, going to plays, roller blading, wine tasting, and spending time in nature. (see that picture up there...that's beautiful Bidwell Park in the fall...and it's only 5 miles away from where I live!) All of these activities are accessible to me. But I need to make the time to, as the Nike commercials suggest, JUST DO IT! I need to play! We all have the need to play! So, I encourage all of you to get in touch with your inner playful child and do the things that you used to do when you were a kid! How did you play? I encourage you to practice what I call The Art of Self-Care by eating right, exercising regularly, socializing, doing date night with your spouse and leaving the kids at home, and just playing! Feel free to let us know how you play! Either leave comments here or if you're on Facebook feel free to look me up at FlorenceMFT and become a fan! You may also visit my website at Now let's play! (photo courtesy of Carleen Clark)

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